Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Onward and Upward is my motto

Going to college at any age can be a real challenge.  Try starting college when you are twice the age of the average student and it's been 25 years or more since you last sat in a classroom! 

This is exactly the daunting situation I find myself currently in.  Never having had the opportunity to go beyond high school for education until after the age of 45, I find myself a real anomaly.

Not only do I have the issue of my age and trying to retrain an old brain, but I also have the disadvantage of having a household to oversee and keep running.

Unlike my student peers most of whom live at home and still have family to rely on financially, I do not have this advantage.  I  have a husband and a son in college at the same time and all of us are trying to exist on OSAP to be able to pay the mortgage, utilities, gas for the vehicle and food.  This is like walking a tightrope without any safety lines in a hurricane! 

Although I face many challenges by attending college so late in life, there are many upsides to this experience as well. 

In the coming weeks, I will honestly discuss the ups and downs I face on a daily basis as a full time student twice the age of the other students in my classes.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy this is a very interesting concept. I look forward to reading about your ups and downs...let's hope mostly ups though!
    Good Luck!
